Thursday, April 9, 2015

Reading and healing

Spending the morning in The Storehouse, having a sensational breakfast, coffees and a good chat with the young owner of the business. While I was here they have changed the seating arrangement, putting very comfortable couches in (my office!) and I had the opportunity to try even more of their products. They get their coffee from a small roaster nearby – think I need to bring my camera at some stage to take some photos!

I've been on the phone for ages to find out where I was referred to and actually get somebody to pick up the phone in the hospital. Quite irritating! Finally managed get an appointment for this Friday for the follow up xray and consultation in the fracture clinic.

Spent most of the day in bed reading, giving my foot time to heal.

Spending quite a while at the Storehouse again to do my emails, research some stuff in the internet, enjoy a few coffees and some stone age food and mainly to get out of bed. The staff here is very friendly, I get serviced at the table and regularly have a chat with other people.

I've been back into reading a lot.

Some interesting things I'd like to share with you:

Scotty Young, a relatively young blogger that I follow regularly, published an article about “What doyou want to do with your life” in 2007 that I just stumbled over - Key message: life is not a straight path, passions are evolving and changing, get out and experiment. Scotty has done some interesting things, among them the MIT challenge (compressing a full MIT degree into one year), a year without English, and many more things. He is striving for personal mastery and is writing a lot of good content.

Following his article, I followed the link to Steve Pavlina's work about “Courage to LiveConsciously”. A very well written piece with some exceptional quotes. Steve has been on a personal development journey for many years, has discovered the 'paying it forward' as well and transformed his and many peoples lives. 
The quote he's put at the start of the article is a nice introduction as well as a summary:
Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits
in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.
- Helen Keller

I've also been revisiting some works published by the 'Wissensmanufaktur', a German institute for economic research and social policy. Strong recommendation for everybody who wants to look a bit behind the curtain, but beware, you need to be open minded to follow their arguments. Digesting their ideas might take a while as they look at some concepts that everybody takes as given (our monetary system, interest,...) from a radically different standpoint. They mostly publish in German and have may interest, yet shocking, interviews, links to interesting external videos and publications on their website. Their Plan B, 'A Systemic Revolution for Real Transformation' can be found in English as well as in German and many other languages. A must read for an open minded person.

Dinner was steak, steamed vegetables and potato mash, like the last three nights. Kaye's dad, Sal, was cooking. I can't complain about that, having this meal 3-5 times a week is absolutely to my liking ;-)

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