Monday, June 1, 2015

Hello World - again

Apparently Socrates once said, 'He is richest who is content with least, for contentment is the wealth of nature'.

While I'm not easily content with 'least', I still consider myself a rich and wealthy person. Especially taking the last two months since I broke my foot into consideration. Recovering took quite a while, but I was constantly surrounded by lovely people, looking after me in many wonder full ways.

Kaye and her parents and friends: Thanks a lot, I had a great time with you and am looking forward to seeing you again in two days. Awesome activities on crutches :-)

My family and friends in Austria, with whom I spent a lot of quality time and made many great memories. Thanks folks!

And then there was a cool trip through stunning Iceland with a good friend of mine – something that wouldn't have been on the cards if the broken foot would not have happened. Another two things ticked off on my bucket list ;-)
Waterfalls galore in Iceland

Ice from the glacier at the beach

Cave with a geothermal pool

Water runner

An arctic tern

Humpback whale

One of my bucket list items that I could tick off: drinking vodka on the rocks with thousand year old ice from an iceberg from a glacier ;-)

A typical scene in Iceland aka a sheep's family photo

A puffin

In addition, I spent a lot more time reading interesting books, meditating daily with Holosyncand listening to amazing podcasts, like Christopher Ryan'sTangentially Speaking or The Bulletproof Podcast. And on the negative side: I gained a lot of weight as I totally disregarded what I should eat and instead ate and drank whatever I could get my hands on and did I mention that I did no sports for almost 2 months! Something totally unheard of for me. This will change again very soon!

Tomorrow I'm traveling back to Melbourne to resume my trip, two more months to go on this adventure. I guess and hope it's going to be warmer there than in Iceland.

And to all the readers of my blog: it will be regularly filled with words and photos again.

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