Monday, March 2, 2015

Port Lincoln to Tumby Bay

Yesterday evening I read quite a bit in the highly entertaining book 'Sex at Dawn – How wemate, why we stray and what it means for modern relationships' from Dr. Chris Ryan and MD Cacilda Jetha. This book takes an anthropological perspective on this topic and dismisses a lot of the 'common knowledge' on this subject. With numerous quotes from old scientific publications, many of them get so many holes drilled in them with what is now known in this field in modern times, one starts to doubt quite a bit of the stuff that is been taught. Highly recommended read.

In addition I wrote a bit in the Wanderlust book – it was prompting me to record some unforgettable memories, fill in the first 11 items on my bucket list and so on. I really like the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote “Don't go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” that if found in the book. Oh yeah! Or to quote Sir Richard: “Screw it, let's do it”.

The temperatures dropped quite a bit in the evening and I slept very well in my mobile home and had an easy start into the day. Driving the odd 50km to Port Lincoln, enjoying a podcast about better methods to learn languages (than going to school!) and enjoying a long back with my favorite brand of organic butter from 100% grass fed cows from New Zealand. Does that actually qualify as a long black if you chuck in a chunk of butter?

First stop was the Ford dealer in Port Lincoln. As no more warning lights came on since the end of the Nullarbor, he recommended to just continue driving as the workshop was quite busy and couldn't have looked at the vehicle today. In addition he said that there will be quite a few Ford service stations on my trip through South Australia from here on. Okay, that logic works for me.
Another grain shipping terminal, in Port Lincoln, by Viterra Inc, a Canadian grain handling business that was bought by Glencore (Anglo-Swiss multinational commodity trading and mining company)

Port Lincoln with jetty in the background
Next stop was a tyre repair shop – to get the tyres of the van rotated around and a wheel alignment done. Afterwards I checked out Del Giorno's Cafe, went to the fresh fish place to buy some locally, fresh caught Flathead fillets and buy some groceries from Coles.

It was very cloudy today with no blue sky anywhere and the smell of rain in the air. I drove up the coast line to Tumby Bay and checked into the local campground.

As it started to drizzle a bit, I did some more reading (Richard Branson's The Virgin Way), a bit of Marketing studies – today it was all about Advertising and AIDA – Attention Interest Desire Action (E Louis, 1890) – brought back some (horrible) memories about of the most boring business administration teachers I've ever endured during the time in Commercial College in Judenburg.

Later I went for a quick 5km run along the bay again. It would be very nice here, given a bit of sun shine would come through and the drizzle would stop, but that's okay for a low key day.

But I think it's time to share some photos of my mobile home:
My van office, with space at a premium my bike usually gets used as clothes rack for my running and hiking gear 

Today's read and my awesome coffee mug resembling the Canon EF 100mm 2.8 Macro lens (thanks Flip!)
View from my office, rainy beach view today but the scenery changes usually on a daily basis
The Dura Ace bike rack attachment bracket, designed and built by a highly skilled draftsman, engineer, motor and road bike racer and good friend of mine (thanks Alex!)
The one and only semi-formal piece of dress that I got with me – you never know I might find some business or relationship opportunities on the way around Australia ;-)
One for the enthusiasts

Distance traveled today: 131km

As I don't have much more to share today and see how far I can push my luck with the readers of the blog, I thought I delve into some statistics for the statistic nerds (for example G, me, and others) out there.

February 2015:
Sports activities carried out (hikes, runs and bike rides): 11
hikes: 10.8km (3)
runs: 34.1km (6) @ average 4:45 min/km – all short runs though!
bike rides: 101.9km (2)
total sporty kilometers covered: 146.8km, thereof 44.9 km as of 18th February – the day where the trip started

2997 km traveled in the van from 18th to 28th February (odo readings: 149503-146506)
number of days on the road: 11
Average km driven for one km of activity (running + hiking): 2997/44.9=66.7
Average km driven per day of the trip in February 2015: 272.4km

All distances for sports activities thanks to Runkeeper my app of choice

The goals for March are to gradually increase the kilometers and number of activities for runs and hikes to get back to my former level of endurance. I started the month well with already two runs in the first two days – need to be more cautious this time not not increase the mileage too quickly like I did last year!

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